Navajo Technical University | Arizona State University
Indigenous Innovation Network
NSF Engines Development Award #2302926
The organizations that wrote the INN proposal are all committed to the development of a comprehensive plan to move the ecosystem forward.

Ragavanantham Shanmugam
Principal Investigator, NTU

Maryann Feldman
Co-Principal Investigator, ASU

Donald Siegel
Co-Principal Investigator, ASU

David Waldman
Co-Principal Investigator, ASU

Binil Starly
Co-Principal Investigator, ASU

Sean Dudley
Co-Principal Investigator, ASU
With Senior Personnel to include Scott Halliday (NTU). Private sector representatives who are already working with Navajo Nation, include Karen Caswelch (Archytas Automation), and Michael Davis (Merek Security Solutions). Stephen Catt (Workforce K2Gray) will serve as the Workforce Development Co-ordinator.