Navajo Technical University | Arizona State University

Indigenous Innovation Network

Award Description

NSF Engines Development Award #2302926

Award description

The IIN-ADMIT project will:

  • Engage tribal communities in Arizona and New Mexico in technology transfer and advanced manufacturing
  • Establish IIN-ADMIT Administrative Structure (Leadership, Technical, Advisory Boards & Roles)
  • Enable remote tribal communities to participate in emerging supply chains in industries throughout the Southwest
  • Technologies will be developed and implemented in a manner consistent with tribal community values
  • Design distributed micro-factories and technology centers in the Navajo Nation
  • Plan and begin to develop a workforce that can implement these technologies

Anticipated outcomes

  • Host a technology transfer summit of 30 key stakeholders in September 2023 to produce a Roadmap Plan to grow IIN-ADMIT.
  • Develop a pilot distributed manufacturing operation.
  • Establish contracts with 4 clients to expand the IIN-ADMIT ecosystem.
  • Prototype specialized online short-courses/credentialing courses targeted to remote learners in the Region.
  • Develop 4 NTU/ASU/Eco-system Partners joint student projects.
  • Pilot workforce opportunities
  • Place 20 student interns with IIN-ADMIT ecosystem partners.
  • Generate 6 academic invention disclosures.
  • Develop CRADAS with Scandia and Los Alamos.